Grow it
While you may see lots of activity on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, it’s only on genuine community platforms, like
macrosites, where you get the context, flexibility, and customization tools to create a tailored experience for you and your members.
By building and growing your own online community, you can forge lifelong friendships and create a dedicated place for people to connect
around the topics they’re most passionate about.
This is what makes a community unique. It’s not a crowd, audience, mob, or gathering – it’s a co-created experience. As such, communities
tend to thrive on platforms, where the focus is on fostering member engagement in addition to traditional publishing.
Your goal for the community to take on a life of its own where members bring in new members, write content and initiate and moderate forums.
That's what happens when your members get engaged then it becomes their community. You can also reach outside the community to recruit new
influencers: bloggers, writers, speakers, prolific Tweeters and other experts who are talking about your topic either online or offline.
Keep your site fresh and active by featuring popular blogs and forums on the homepage and in your email newsletter. The community will tell
you what they like through their engagement and you can also discover new voices and promote them.
You will also, from time to time, need to remove content and possibly members who are a bad fit for the community. Don’t panic, this happens
in every community. We provide tools that make this simple.
It takes time for visiting a community to become a habit. Until then, send out regular emails to remind your members to visit and entice
them with the newest and most interesting content and conversations. Create a schedule for new content to help your contributors get in the
habit of adding new posts and blogs regularly..
As the community grows, announce your community via social media channels, email newsletters, and encourage existing members to invite friends.
You can also Create a Facebook App and Twitter App for your community. These allow your members to automatically post to Facebook and Twitter
when they post to your community. If you have an email newsletter, include your new URL in your email footer, so that every time you send an
email you promote your new site. Even better, highlight something specific taking place in the community that newcomers can participate in.
Improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Make your community easier to find on Google and other search engines.